

C1 Activity – 22/11/2021 – 26/11/2021 – Using software to develop fun lessons; Customs and traditions

Main Activities

The activities of the week were designed specifically to have all participant students work together on the topics of cultural knowledge, awareness of differences and acceptance.

  1. Group discussion about the results of the online questionnaires answered previously about the cultural characteristics of the different countries, producing content using google tools and mobile apps;
  2. Reverse role play, question game, group challenge – aimed at challenging them to think about and discuss stereotypes and misconceptions regarding gender, religion, culture, equal opportunities, and interpersonal relationships;
  3. Cultural trip to major cultural locations and monuments in and around the city of Lisbon;
  4. Host school’s International Science day fair – science related activities, technologies, tools and apps
  5. Cultural trip to the historical center or Lisbon – taking the opportunity to debate and raise awareness to cultural differences, mutual acceptance and tolerance;
  6. Day-long field trip to EVOA – a visiting center inside the Tagus River’s natural reserve and wetlands – EVOA hosted activities specifically aimed at cultural awareness;
  7. Activities for sharing the culture from the different countries, like traditional songs and dances.

Mobility Results

Following all the activities the students were involved namely, presentations, debates, role playing, reverse interview, the cultural activities with all the participants in mixed groups,
students came to very interesting conclusions, that they put down in writing, and that rose the need to further discussion within this project.
Students also increased their knowledge and skills using google tools and apps.
Students discovered new apps, strategies, activities and technologies that are used in teaching and learning in the STEM field.
It became clear to the participants that in general they have a good understanding of EU values and what it means to be European, and also that there are some topics that need to be deepened, namely the EU charter. Additionally, students learn about how easy it is to stereotype people, countries and cultures, and they proposed strategies to raise awareness on others about themselves.
